Our Support Through Covid-19 Pandemic
Daisy Inclusive UK have been proactive in adapting our service provision to encompass the extraordinary and challenging circumstances surrounding the Covid -19 pandemic. We have developed a wraparound support service that will cater for the needs and requirements of disabled and vulnerable people in our community.
Daisy Inclusive UK’s Covid -19 intervention strategy has been designed to offer the best support for those who need it most. The Strategy includes delivery of essential food parcels, befriending service, benefit advice, health and nutrition support all of which will help to tackle the rise in poverty, mental and physical health issues and the impact of loneliness and isolation. The Daisy Inclusive UK COVID-19 intervention strategy has been active since the government announced a lock down and stricter rules surrounding isolation and contact. All initiatives are in place and already we have helped and supported over a 300 families. The demand for this service is growing rapidly and we have seen an increase in referrals day by day.
During the COVID -19 pandemic and the increased risk to our beneficiaries and people living in the local community it is inevitable that there will be an increase in mental health issues including anxiety and depression, a decrease in health and wellbeing and due to shielding, many people will become socially isolated and may feel the effects long after the pandemic is over. In order to tackle isolation and loneliness for the people we support and people living in the local community we will offer weekly phone calls (daily if required). Through this communication we can establish the needs and requirements of the individual and create a wraparound service of support. This may be access to benefits advice, food or essential item delivery, a befriending service or support to access our many online resources. Our inclusive sports and activity coach will offer personalised support through health and fitness plans that will be tailored the individual’s abilities and requirements. These will run as one to one skype fitness and activity sessions. We will also offer this as a group activity session as the more social interaction people have will go a long way to combating loneliness and improve health and wellbeing.
The team will also help support by utilising social media to share interactive cooking session, wellbeing and relaxation sessions and links to our partner organisations plus the latest advice and guidance set by the government. We will also offer one to one vocational learning support that will be adapted to be person centred and accessible to all.
Through extensive experience working with the local community we have found that an increase of advice and guidance is required to help support those with a disability or health condition to access benefits, funding and local initiatives that are vital to keep them safe, happy and looked after. Our engagement officer will continue to support the local community with a dedicated phone line to help offer guidance on these issues. We will continue to develop links across the city and work with key partners to ensure we identify those most at risk and how we can best support them. There will also be a surge in people who will have unfortunately lost their jobs or income, through our links with job centres and the Department of work and Pensions our Engagement officer will offer advice and guidance on what funds are available to those who will be at risk of falling into debt and poverty.
Daisy Inclusive UK will also be an add on service to the current food bank services running across Everton/Anfield. We will distribute food parcels to those most at risk. Through our beneficiary outreach, referrals from partner organisations and direct referrals we will ensure that we are there to support the needs of our community. With added pressure on local government and council recourses, Daisy Inclusive UK are there to help support urgent care needs including food parcels and help with prescription drop offs to those who are required to self-isolate due to a disability or health condition. This service will also be vital ensuring that the families in our community with children at school age who would qualify for free school meals will not go hungry.
Daisy Inclusive UK will continue our disability hate crime support service that has been put in place to help victims of disability hate crime from point of contact to resolution. Unfortunately the Covid -19 social climate has been a catalyst to provoke more incidents anti-social behaviour and hate crime in general.
Our primary target area for food distribution is North Liverpool but we are looking for more resources to branch out and support the wider the city. Access to our one to one support service, advice and guidance and disability hate crime support will cover Merseyside.
Daisy Inclusive UK would like to thank our current and existing funders for being so dynamic to their approach of support during the Covid 19 pandemic. Funders include The National Lottery Community Fund, European Social Fund, Office of Police Crime Commissioner, Liverpool City Council, Henry Smith, Sports England and Children in need.
We would also like to say a big thank you to The Steve Morgan Foundation, LCRCares fund, Liverpool City Council and Fairshare for their Covid 19 Support.
Here at Daisy Inclusive UK we have implemented the following measures for the safety of staff and beneficiaries:
Please ensure any visits to Daisy Inclusive UK has been arrange prior to attending, as entry may not be possible due to capacity limits. If you are unsure or have any queries please contact Team Daisy on 0151 261 0309.
There will now be no entry fee into Daisy Inclusive UK, in the hope to minimise stress and isolation whilst maximising the amount of people we can help.
#Teamdaisy are here to help, we are the can do charity that makes it happen.
Please continue to ring our office on (0151) 261 0309 or for advice on welfare and benefits, please call 077 265 78484.
If anyone is struggling to leave the house to get food or needs anything at all. Please ring up the office on (0151) 261 0309.
We are able to deliver food packages to you, so if you are in need please get in touch. Please see videos bellow of Sara explaining what food and toiletries packages we have
#Teamdaisy are here to help